Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Best Friend's Wedding

Last night, May 22nd, Spencer and I headed to Rogersville, TN, a town where I spent many weekends hanging out with my best friend and her family during High School, where she married Kevin Keeton! It was a beautiful wedding and we had a lot of fun. We couldn't stay for the whole reception due to the 3 hour drive back home but it was so nice to see everyone again! We'll definitely be back soon Jennifer! The girls had a lot of fun and had to wave at every person who walked by them..haha.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Audrey Lyn
Natalie Rose

What a great Mother's Day I had today! Got up to two beautiful (although snotty) babies and played for a ready for church and met Darlene and Mamaw Lee there. The sermon was really nice about being a Faithful Mother and passing that on to our children. Then back home we went for a nice lunch and lazy afternoon! Sunday evening are always hard because I know in the morning I have to leave my girls to go to work again...these weekends spoil all of us and just as we're getting used to being around each other all day, we have to go our separate ways again...I just hope they know how much their mom loves them and wishes she could spend every single minute with them always!

Thanks to my mom who is always the strength and joy in my life! Thanks for being my rock! I love you!
Here are a few recent pictures of Audrey and Natalie (AKA Audge Podge and Nattie). They've grown to love things on their heads...why does that run in our family? haha. They are growing so fast into such pretty little girls.