Tuesday, January 27, 2009

7 weeks old today...

I can't believe they are already 7 weeks old today. I only have a few minutes to post this before they wake up ready to eat AGAIN! Who thought two little cute girls could demand so much food! :) Right now, we go through about 12 diapers a day and about 3 1/2 cans of formula a week. I can't imagine how much more we will be using once they get bigger. I guess Spencer and I will be living on macaroni and cheese for the next 18 years...haha. That's ok though because they are worth it. They love sleeping together (that is WHEN they sleep at night). They love to lay touching their heads together. We try to lay them in bed at night like this, but little Natalie tends to be a wiggle worm and when she is awake, so loves to throw her arms around and kick her legs like crazy. If she is too close to her sister when she gets in these moods, she hits her face. Audrey doesn't seem to mind much though because she never wakes up from it. That is one good thing about these girls, if one is screaming it doesn't seem to bother the other one. So at least we are then only dealing with one screaming baby instead of two. Well, I better run before there are two screaming hungry babies in the house!

Monday, January 19, 2009

1 Month Doctor's check-up visit

Last Wednesday, Grammy Crane and I (ALC) took the girls to their 1 month check-up at Dr. Tigar's office. Spencer couldn't take off of work again, so we had Grammy come with us so it would be easier all around for me. It is amazing to me how much they have changed in such little time being home. Natalie weighs 8lbs 1oz. already (up from 5lbs 11oz when she was born) and Audrey weighs 7lbs 4oz. (up from 4lbs 15oz at birth). They are doing so well, I am truly happy! We also found out that Audrey will not have to have another head ultrasound to check out her ventricles unless she starts showing symptoms of something wrong. This is truly awesome news, as we have worried about this for so long now and have prayed so hard that she would be fine. Thank you Lord! Natalie is perfect and is just chugging along like a pro too. She is our little ham with a HUGE personality. You gotta love those chubby cheeks. Audrey is catching up with her though. We are convinced at this point that Audrey is taking after me (looks and personality) and Natalie is taking after Spencer (looks and personality too). It will be interesting to see if we are right or if they prove us wrong. What do you all think?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bath Time (X2)

It's bath time at the Crane house! Now that the girl's no longer have their umbilical chords, we can finally give good ole' warm baths. At first they weren't sure if they liked them or not, but I believe they are "warming" up to them now. Our first bath was in the tub with Daddy. He got in with them so he could hold them close if they started crying too hard. There was a little crying involved but not when they had the warm water on them (as you can see on Natalie's content face here) haha. They haven't learned to splash and play yet, but I'm sure it will come soon. We look forward to every new thing they learn. Time sure does fly by! My girls are already best buddies...looks like we are going to have our hands full for a long time to come!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The twins have arrived - 12/9/08

Hey everyone! We are so excited to introduce the new additions to our family....Audrey Lyn (born at 4:24 a.m. 4lbs 15oz) and Natalie Rose (born at 4:56 a.m. 5lbs 11 oz.). Everyone is healthy and doing great so far. Natalie, who lost quite a bit of blood supply to her right before delivery, had to go to the NICU first for a few days where the doctor's could watch her closely, especially her kidneys, that suffered the shock of the blood loss. She got to come home with us though on the day that I was released and is doing wonderful. Audrey, our little trouble maker, decided she was going to have two apnea spells on the day that we were supposed to go home too, so she had to take a trip to the NICU too for the doctors to watch her closely for a few days. We just decided that she didn't want to feel left out since her sister got to spend some time there without her. We are all home now, though, and both babies are growing, growing, growing! I can't believe that they are both 4 weeks old yesterday! Time is already flying by.

Spencer had to return to work this past Monday. We were both very sad and I was a little nervous at first thinking about not having any help during the day (and also taking most of the night feedings so he could get some sleep). The hardest part is still getting up at night, but I guess that comes with the territory of having twins. Most of the time they sleep pretty good, but other nights one or both of them decide they want to cry for a few hours because they aren't tired. Despite all of the sleepless nights and days though, we could not ask for two more precious, beautiful daughters. Spencer is already wrapped around their tiny little fingers (ok, so I am too!).