Hey everyone! We are so excited to introduce the new additions to our family....Audrey Lyn (born at 4:24 a.m. 4lbs 15oz) and Natalie Rose (born at 4:56 a.m. 5lbs 11 oz.).
Everyone is healthy and doing great so far. Natalie, who lost quite a bit of blood supply to her right before delivery, had to go to the NICU first for a few days where the doctor's could watch her closely, especially her kidneys, that suffered the shock of the blood loss. She got to come home with us though on the day that I was released and is doing wonderful. Audrey, our little trouble maker, decided she was going to have two apnea spells on the day that we were supposed to go home too, so she had to take a trip to the NICU too for the doctors to watch her closely for a few days. We just decided that she didn't want to feel left out since her sister got to spend some time there without her. We are all home now, though, and both babies are growing, growing, growing! I can't believe that they are both 4 weeks old yesterday! Time is already flying by.

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