I can't believe they are already 7 weeks old today. I only have a few minutes to post this before they wake up ready to eat AGAIN! Who thought two little cute girls could demand so much food! :) Right now, we go through about 12 diapers a day and about 3 1/2 cans of formula a week. I can't imagine how much more we will be using once they get bigger. I guess Spencer and I will be living on macaroni and cheese for the next 18 years...haha. That's ok though because they are worth it. They love sleeping together (that is WHEN they sleep at night). They love to lay touching their heads together. We try to lay them in bed at night like this, but little Natalie tends to be a wiggle worm and when she is awake, so loves to throw her arms around and kick her legs like crazy. If she is too close to her sister when she gets in these moods, she hits her face. Audrey doesn't seem to mind much though because she never wakes up from it. That is one good thing about these girls, if one is screaming it doesn't seem to bother the other one. So at least we are then only dealing with one screaming baby instead of two. Well, I better run before there are two screaming hungry babies in the house! 

How beautiful!! I just realized they have your chin! I can really tell in the picture of them in bed beside each other.
Aunt Denise
A year ago I didn't have any great grand daughters. Now I have four agricstsnd these two are precious gifts from god. Papaw Sponberger
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