Last Wednesday, Grammy Crane and I (ALC) took the girls to their 1 month check-up at Dr. Tigar's office. Spencer couldn't take off of work again, so we had Grammy come with us so it would be easier all around for me. It is amazing to me how much they have changed in such little time being home. Natalie weighs 8lbs 1oz. already (up from 5lbs 11oz when she was born) and Audrey weighs 7lbs 4oz. (up from 4lbs 15oz at birth). They are doing so well, I am truly happy! We also found out that Audrey will not have to have another head ultrasound to check out her ventricles unless she starts showing symptoms of something wrong. This is truly awesome news, as we have worried about this for so long now and have prayed so hard that she would be fine. Thank you Lord! Natalie is perfect and is just chugging along like a pro too. She is our little ham with a HUGE personality. You gotta love those chubby cheeks. Audrey is catching up with her though. We are convinced at this point that Audrey
is taking after me (looks and personality) and
Natalie is taking after Spencer (looks and personality too). It will be interesting to see if we are right or if they prove us wrong. What do you all think?
How amazing....I can't believe how much weight they have gained already. You look beautiful....and so do they. It will be so much fun watching their individual personalities emerge!
Love to you all,
Aunt Denise
I thought they were suppose to look alike?? Can't wait to see them in February. Love Great Aunt Catherine
I love them, and this idea! You are such a wonderful writer, so creative and clever! I look forward to being able to keep coming back and checking up on them and you all....miss you girlie! Aime
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