So as my title to this blog entry says, "so much has happened..."! I know everyone is waiting on updated pictures of the girls so I'm sorry I haven't posted anything since Christmas. One very exciting thing that happened is that we've sold our house and are moving back to Georgia! So we've been busy (trying) to pack and get ready for the big move. We're so excited about our new has a nice big basement where the girls can play and we can just hang out! There are only so many times you can trip on toys without breaking a bone and we're pushing our luck...haha. We have toys spread throughout our living area at our current home and by the time we have them picked up the girls have another room a mess. There is no winning at this point! haha. We are having so much fun with the girls at this age now. They are all over the place, still not walking yet, but crawling everywhere and in to everything! Their favorite word at the moment is "baby". Everything is "baby". They also like to point to themselves and say "baby". So cute. They love "big people" food now too, especially Natalie. I would say their favorite food though at the moment is yogurt. Every time they see me pull the yogurt out of the refridgerator they start waving their hands and clapping and smiling. They also love chicken nuggets just like their mom! :)
So this week starts Spencer's new job (for the time being) as Mr. Mom! Yep, just call him Michael Keaton. He was let go from his job about 3 weeks ago and with only one salary right now we had to take the girls out of daycare. Things are going great so far though. I've been very impressed with his Daddy skills. Not every man in the world would feel comfortable watching two 14 month old girls all day long by himself and survive to tell it! haha. Seriously though he has very much enjoyed getting to play and spend time with his girls lately.
On a sad note, we had to find out pugs, Prissi and Fudgie, a new home. Yes, there were tears. Yes, we still miss them like crazy! But it was just best for them. We couldn't take care of them like they needed to be anymore. Our time was totally taken up by babies and work and it wasn't fair to them. They have a wonderful home now though. It is a family with older children who love playing and the family is home all day long (homeschooled I think) so they aren't alone all day long like they were with us. Very sad for us, good for them! We miss them but it was just something that we had to do for them.
As I'm closing this, a song popped into my head that I want to share - has a lot of meaning to the Crane family right now! We miss everyone and love ya!
Live For Today - Natalie Grant
You told me not to worry
About what lies ahead
So I am gonna focus on today instead
Making every moment count and counting
Every single blessing
I'm gonna set my mind on the
Here and the Now
This is what I want my life to be about
And this is How...
I'm gonna live for today
I'm gonna follow in your way
I'm gonna let my little light shine
Like there's no tomorrow
I won't worry about the past
I know my future is intact
So I'll choose to live my life one way
I'm gonna live it for today...
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