Christmas sure came and went fast this year, didn't it? This was our first time experiencing Thanksgiving, birthday (AC and NC), birthday (SC), then Christmas all within a month's period. WOW...I really need to start preparing now for next December. I learned my lesson! haha. Christmas season started out this year with Spencer's birthday on the 21st. Next time you talk to him remind him that he is 31 years old... he might growl at you but it will be funny! We asked Spencer's Uncle Pete and Aunt Robin to come over and babysit for us while we had a nice evening out together. The evening started with a pitstop at McKays (used music and book store here in Chattanooga) where I told Spencer he could pick out 2 blue-ray movies even though he had nothing to play a blue-ray movie on...not too smart on my part trying to keep the blue-ray player a secret that he was getting on his actual birthday, but he had to work that weekend and with two babies in tow, I had no time or patience to try and navigate a double-wide stroller through a tiny-isle used book store! haha. He was happy though to be able to pick out the movies himself. Then we left and headed to dinner at Bonefish, Spencer's favorite restaurant. Hello Bang-bang shrimp!

Then on the 20th we headed down to Morganton, GA to Spencer's aunt and uncle's cabin near Blue Ridge, GA. It was such a pretty drive and we actually got to see snow come down while we were there...perfect Christmas setting and lots of fun and joy! And to beat it all, not 5 minutes before the meal was ready, both of my girls were down for a nap at the same time! I told Spencer we better stop and grab a lottery ticket on the way home because this was our lucky day...we could actually without feeding two other mouthes at the same time! haha.
Next we went to Spencer's mom's house for his family Christmas on Christmas Eve. Spencer had to work till 6:00 that evening so he had to miss the Christmas Eve service. We met everyone at Christ United Methodist, a church that Dusty and Melissa attend and it was a very nice service. Then we headed back to Darlene's home to eat and let the kids open presents.

On Christmas Day, Spencer and I had my family over for the afternoon. We woke up and spent the morning together with just our little family and let the girls play with their new toys, then around 11:00, my mom and Dad came over and soon followed by Ann and Ryan. We had a great afternoon opening presents and playing with the girls. Thanks to Mom and Dad for making ANOTHER trip up here...we hope that we can make the trip down there next year. And a big shout-out to Danny who was in West Virginia for the holidays...we missed you!! 

Alicia: the Twilight saga (books)....HELLO Edward! haha. Also, a super cute "mom" necklace!
Audrey: lots of pretty dressses and a ride-on toy train to share with her sister
Natalie: more pretty dresses and outfits and her favorite little giraffe toy

Needless to say we were very blessed this year and we can't wait to see what next year brings as well! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
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