Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome Zachar/Prutilpac Family!

We had a big weekend Feb 27th - March 1! My Grams (Zachar) came down with my Aunt Catherine (Dad's sister) and two of my cousins, Elizabeth and Yvonne. It was so nice to see everyone again and Grams wanted to meet her first great-grandchildren. She always said that she wanted twins so this was extra special for her! And as you can see, Prissi LOVED having more people in the house to pay attention to her!

Friday night, after a LONG drive down from Wild, Wonderful, West Virigina, everyone came over to the house to hang out and eat some dinner together. Thanks to mom for cooking for us! It was great. I don't get a good home cooked meal too often these days. Everytime I start to cook, the girls wake up and want held or it's time for them to eat again. Anyway, Dad came up too for the weekend which was great because he had not seen his grandchildren since they were about 2 weeks old. They have changed so much since then. So while we had the chance, on Saturday, we took a 4 generation picture with my Grams, Dad, Me, Audrey and Natalie. Aunt Catherine is going to have it posted in the Morgantown Dominion Post for Grammy!

The weather was aweful Saturday but we managed to get out and go shopping a little bit while Mom, Dad and Grams watch the girls for us. Then Aunt Catherine and Elizabeth went with my sister down to The Terminal, Ryan's new restaurant to hang out and see the new place. We had a great weekend and topped it off by having a big family breakfast together before everyone parted ways again! I miss everyone so much already. It makes me wish I lived near all my family! Hopefully Spencer and I will be able to make a trip up there this summer to see everyone again and let the girls meet all of their cousins and relatives. (That will have to be a whole page blog in and of itself if it happens!) haha! Needless to say, Audrey and Natalie loved their time with their Great-Grammy, Great Aunt Catherine, and cousins!


Catherine Bennett said...

We all had a wonderful time too and hopefully we did not wear you out. When Spencer quietly asked Sheryl where everyone was staying, we should have made him believe we were staying at his house.

Anonymous said...

Lish I had such a good time. I wish I hadn't been sick but the girls will be even more fun to play with this summer and I won't be sick then! Can't wait to see you guys again, we should do it more often.