So, a lot of people have been asking us over the last several months, "how are the dogs doing with the babies?". Well, lets just say that one of the dogs is very protective and the other one still thinks she is the baby of the house! Protector = Fudgie. Baby = Prissi. They are all getting along very well together though. I think "the girls", as they have become known over the last 4 years, are a little jealous still of Audrey and Natalie, but I think we are all adjusting wonderfully together. I still try and take them on walks as much as I can, and I know they miss going more then we get to, but as time goes on, we will get to go more together. We are currently all big one happy family which is how we imagined it before the twins were born. Note: Prissi REALLY wants a Boppy for herself! As you can see, she was caught red-handed while we were out of the room one night comfortably laying in one of them. Can you see the guilty face? I can just see her saying "finders keepers, losers weepers!" haha. 

Love the new color of website. Now I can actually see it.
The animals still need spoiled, they were here first. Everything will wash, even the girls. I have these face wipes that are really cold at night, can I use the girls wipe warmers? Who else did NOT have wipe warmers when their kids were little. Mine just screamed I guess. Love Aunt Catherine
haha! You are cracking me up! I will buy you a wipe warmer for your face wipes so it isn't cold at night! :)
Love it! It's just as it should be, and the girls and the "new" girls will be best friends growing up. And its a proven fact that kids who grow up around animals are more resistant to getting sick.
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