Hello crazy life of twin girls! Sorry for waiting so long between posts, I just haven't had the time or energy to write anything lately. Ever since winter hit, we've been plagued with sickness after sickness and are finally, hopefully, praying finally getting better.
Audrey and Natalie's 3rd Birthday Party at The Little Gym
So December is by far our craziest, busiest, most fun time of the year. Three of our four birthdays fall in December of course with Christmas not far behind and then New Years. The girls had their 3rd birthday at The Little Gym this year and had an absolute blast with their friends. Natalie was personally fond of the "Party Cakes" aka cupcakes they ate after we sang Happy Birthday to them. She ate her cupcake and her sisters while Audrey ate her fruit and Natalie's...very typical of them right now. Audrey loves fruits and veggies and Natalie likes all things outside of fruits and veggies. Making dinner to please everyone is not easy these days HAHA.
They also love their new leap pads and think they are teenagers on their ipads. They already think they are so grown up! It is so fun to hear them communicate in sentences with each other now...Spencer and I both wish they would stay this age forever (well...after being potty trained all the way first). We definitely had a blast and can't wait for next year to come. Everything just seems so blah after the holidays are over...glad to get a little break though (if that's what you want to call it). :)
Audrey helping Paps open a Christmas gift~
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas...we love and miss you all and thanks to everyone who sent beautiful Christmas cards...they always fill our home with "family and friends" each year! Love you all!
Audrey, Katie Mae, Natalie & Emma - Christmas 2011 @ Papaw Sponbergers
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