Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot!

Emma and Natalie lounging on the pool steps

Hey Everyone! Sorry it has been a while since the last post! We've been so busy lately like the rest of the world! Spencer has started running a mail route while looking for full-time job so that means the girls have gone back to daycare. They have so much fun playing with the other kids so no big deal there! Spencer is thankful to be able get out of the house again some too. Please pray that a job comes along soon...9 months already...WAY TOO LONG!
Pictures from cousin Emma's 2nd birthday party

We've had a fun, HOT summer like the rest of the East coast. I'm not sure how many times we hit the 100 degree mark (and this isn't desert heat, this is down south, humid heat!!). Miserable. We've had a lot of fun swimming and trying to stay cool though. The girls really love the pool and playing in the water. And now that they are running everywhere, the like running around the pool as much as swimming in it. It is hard to keep up with them now.
Audrey Lyn looking tired and hot after swimming all afternoon!

Their cousin, Emma, had her 2nd birthday in July and we had a lot of fun playing at the park with her that day. It was a lot of fun picking out some fun books for her collection (and of course a cute outfit, I can't resist!).

Sorry we missed the Street Reunion this August in Morgantown! We hope to make it back up there really soon though (now that we have a minivan...Oh yes, you heard right!). We took the plunge~ So much easier, yet so uncool! The girls love the DVD player in it though so it makes car rides a tad bit more managable.

Hope everyone has a great end-of-summer! I sure hope it starts to feel like Fall soon!

Dr. Seuss

Today was good, Today was Fun. Tomorrow is another one!

1 comment:

Catherine Bennett said...

Oh we had a mini van way back when but it had a VHS cassett player with like a mini tv but still kept the kids quiet. It always seemed to eat the tapes though. ENJOY Miss you all.