Wow has time flown by! It seems like just yesterday we were riding to the hospital everyday to visit Audrey in the NICU. I can definitely say that the first 4 months of the girls' lives have been a total blur for me and Spencer. We were remembering some memories from that time the other day and remembered on the night that we brought Natalie home with us how many times we stopped the car to get out and check on her to make sure she was breathing. haha. We were so paranoid because Audrey had 2 apnea spells where she would quit breathing on us. So we were freaking out that Natalie might do it too and then we wouldn't have nurses and doctors there to help us!
It is so crazy to get out all of those Preemie clothes that the girls wore when we brought them home and how they were actually big on them at first. To hold those clothes up by them now, you would never think that in just 7 months, they've more than tripled their size from birth. Audrey is getting so big now! She is just like her Mommy was when she was a baby...long and skinny! Natalie is growing like a weed too trying to stay bigger than her sister. She is built more like Spencer was when he was a baby. By no means is she chubby (except maybe those cheeks!) but she is just thick and muscley! She is getting tall too...I'm afraid they are both going to be tall like us! I could be wrong, but it seems like they are definitely growing longer each day! I already have their "future supermodel" onsies purchased!

Right now Natalie is getting better at holding her own bottle. If you are holding her bottle in front of her and she wants it, she will reach out and grad it from you and attempt to stick it in her mouth! She has no patience whatsoever for fooling around when it is time to eat! haha. She is just about to sit up by herself, she still needs some balance support, but it won't be long. She has been such a wonderful, easy baby! We can just lay her down each night in her crib, turn on her music, give her Miss Woobie (her blanket/doll), and give her a blanket to cover her eyes with and she is out like a light in 5 minute. She LOVES to fall asleep with something covering her eyes and face. I guess I don't get the room dark enough for her...LOL.

Audrey is a Mommy/Daddy's girl! She is taking her sweet time to accomplish any new task! She just enjoys for us to help her do everything so we can be close to her. She already knows how to manipulate us into holding her and doing things for her that she can do for herself. We're a sucker for it almost every time though. She is starting to sit up too, just needs to get a little stonger in her back but it won't be long. She is grabbing everything. You really have to watch those little hands now. One sweet thing Audrey does is just give the biggest hugs ever! She LOVES being cuddled and hugged and kissed. She will eat it up!
It is so funny how so alike they are and yet so very different! I can't wait for their personalities to keep shining and showing themselves to us!
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