Audrey and Natalie had their 6 months check-up Friday (12th). Everything was fine. Both girls are doing great Dr. Harris said. Natalie weighs 15lbs 4oz and Audrey weighs 14lbs 9oz. Slowly but surely Audrey is determined to catch up with her sister. She is a little piggy and wants to eat all the time. I can see the determination in her eyes..."Please Mom give me more
food so I can grow big!". Of course Natalie is our "natural" eater. She will pretty much eat whatever you put in her mouth. They are rolling over now and getting up on their knees sometimes like they want to crawl. They aren't sitting up by themselves yet and really don't seem interested yet, but we're working with them to try and get their balance. It won't be long I'm sure...

During Dad's last trip to Bogota, Columbia, a man he works with sent back gifts for the girls. You can see them holding their gifts below! They got their first set of earings. One set is gold and the other is white gold. So now we just need to decide when we want them to get their ears pierced. 
Spencer went this past weekend to visit his best friend Brad from college. They played baseball together at Cumberland College (now called University of the Cumberlands). During their visit they went up to Louisville, KY to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. http://www.therealwaverlyhills.com/ It is supposedly one of the most haunted places in the US. Of course they didn't see any ghosts but Spencer said it was neat anyway. We sure missed Daddy being at home with us though!
Hope everyone has a great Father's Day this weekend!
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