Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Christmas sure came and went fast this year, didn't it? This was our first time experiencing Thanksgiving, birthday (AC and NC), birthday (SC), then Christmas all within a month's period. WOW...I really need to start preparing now for next December. I learned my lesson! haha. Christmas season started out this year with Spencer's birthday on the 21st. Next time you talk to him remind him that he is 31 years old... he might growl at you but it will be funny! We asked Spencer's Uncle Pete and Aunt Robin to come over and babysit for us while we had a nice evening out together. The evening started with a pitstop at McKays (used music and book store here in Chattanooga) where I told Spencer he could pick out 2 blue-ray movies even though he had nothing to play a blue-ray movie on...not too smart on my part trying to keep the blue-ray player a secret that he was getting on his actual birthday, but he had to work that weekend and with two babies in tow, I had no time or patience to try and navigate a double-wide stroller through a tiny-isle used book store! haha. He was happy though to be able to pick out the movies himself. Then we left and headed to dinner at Bonefish, Spencer's favorite restaurant. Hello Bang-bang shrimp!

Then on the 20th we headed down to Morganton, GA to Spencer's aunt and uncle's cabin near Blue Ridge, GA. It was such a pretty drive and we actually got to see snow come down while we were there...perfect Christmas setting and lots of fun and joy! And to beat it all, not 5 minutes before the meal was ready, both of my girls were down for a nap at the same time! I told Spencer we better stop and grab a lottery ticket on the way home because this was our lucky day...we could actually without feeding two other mouthes at the same time! haha.

Next we went to Spencer's mom's house for his family Christmas on Christmas Eve. Spencer had to work till 6:00 that evening so he had to miss the Christmas Eve service. We met everyone at Christ United Methodist, a church that Dusty and Melissa attend and it was a very nice service. Then we headed back to Darlene's home to eat and let the kids open presents.

On Christmas Day, Spencer and I had my family over for the afternoon. We woke up and spent the morning together with just our little family and let the girls play with their new toys, then around 11:00, my mom and Dad came over and soon followed by Ann and Ryan. We had a great afternoon opening presents and playing with the girls. Thanks to Mom and Dad for making ANOTHER trip up here...we hope that we can make the trip down there next year. And a big shout-out to Danny who was in West Virginia for the holidays...we missed you!!

Here are a few things we were blessed with this year for Christmas: Spencer: a clock radio that he can play his ipod on (he thinks he'll take it to work to keep on his desk)

Alicia: the Twilight saga (books)....HELLO Edward! haha. Also, a super cute "mom" necklace!

Audrey: lots of pretty dressses and a ride-on toy train to share with her sister

Natalie: more pretty dresses and outfits and her favorite little giraffe toy

Needless to say we were very blessed this year and we can't wait to see what next year brings as well! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 18, 2009

We're One NOW!

WOW has this year gone by fast! It seems just like yesterday we were going to the NICU everyday to visit Audrey or learning to wake up 20 times a night to feed them! I can still remember that first night with just Natalie at home with us and how nervous we were and still so tired and worried about Audrey. And now we have two healthy 1 year olds crawling around the house exploring every nook and cranny! Their birthday, of course, was on the 9th but we had their little party on the 12th. We just invited a few close friends and family which was almost more than enough, especially for the girls. They had a wonderful time playing with everyone and being the center of attention! We missed all of my family that couldn't attend...mostly due to distance! We are trying to plan a trip back there really soon! Here are a few pictures from the day:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

11 months...

On the top of Fort Mountain in GA...

Sorry it has been a while since we've been able to post anything. We've been super busy and are so excited about the holidays that are fast approaching along with two birthdays. Audrey and Natalie turn 1 on Dec. 9th! Yep, we're soon to have two 1 year olds...we can't believe it. So exciting. And then Dec 21st Spencer will have his &#th birthday! haha...he doesn't want anyone to know how old he is. He is very sensative about getting older. LOL. Hint...if you know my age, then you know his age. Playing babies...

Anyway, busy times are coming that is for sure...we're loving it! Also, we put our house up for sale last week to prepare for a move back down to Ringgold, GA. This is where we used to live and is actually closer to work for both of us. We just like it down there and can't wait to get back. Plus, some of Spencer's family will be close by and that will be awesome! Mamaw Lee has been such a blessing to us in times of need (when the girls are sick and can't go to daycare!). Thanks Mamaw Lee!

Natalie - Snow White and Audrey - Cinderella

The girls are growing like weeds. They do new things all the time. I wish we lived near everyone so the girls would know and love you all as much as we do! But don't worry, we are building a picture book with everyone in it so they can learn who you are. We can't wait for our first trip to WV! They are going to just LOVE all of our family there! Hey WV family...we love you and miss you all! Also, we received some very exciting news that my cousin Kelly is going to have a baby! So awesome! We love you Kell and can't wait to come up for your baby shower!
At Gold Rush Days in Dahlonega, GA

I just wanted to leave this post with a lyric quote from one of my favorite songs right now by Addison Road. It is called "What do I know of Holy?"...AMAZING song and very inspiring and down-to-earth to me. Enjoy and can't wait to hear or talk to each of you again! Listen to it if you get a chance and let me know what you think...

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees

What do I know of Holy?
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life "its" name?
What do I know of Holy?
Of the One who the angels praise?
All creation knows Your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Pictures...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to post this site where you can see some fall pictures Add Videowe had taken not too long ago...Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween! Happy Birthday, Dad!

I think you have to have a Snapfish account to see these...sorry.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Busy times...

Nattie giving her sister a kiss!

Goodness...time flies by. I know I say that at least once in every blog entry, but I really mean it! LOL. It is only 2 months until my girls turn ONE! It isn't possible, is it? They are getting settled into daycare now and I think they like it (for the most part). They are both getting to the stage where they are jealous of each other when it comes to Mommy and Daddy's attention. And since I have to pick them up from daycare each day, I have to keep track of who I picked up first the day before so I can pick up the other one first the next day! It gets so confusing, but I don't want either of them to feel like we're playing favorites. Their teachers tell me they are doing great so far, they haven't been real fussy or anything. They do tend to start crying and wanting held around the time the other parents start showing up to get their kids though. They want Mommy there NOW not later! haha. I guess this will be good lessons of patience for them early on...but they are good. We went through a major string (about 4 long weeks) of sicknesses once they started there. We knew this would happen but I wasn't prepared for 4 weeks worth. It was hard and tiring but we made it through. We had several viruses that we kept spreading to each other and also each of the girls had an ear infection at one point. I think we made at least 4 visits to the doctor and went through about 2 bottles of Motrin and 2 bottle of antibiotics. Let's pray we're well for a while now so we can recover! haha.
A few milestons we've reached since the last blog is that both girls are sitting great by themselves now. Yes, I know this is a little late for them to just be doing this, but they are very stubborn and want to do things on their own time...who am I to argue? :) Audrey is very close to crawling and Natalie I think will be the first to walk. Both girls LOVE to say "Da da" and Natalie can even say "Daddy" now. Audrey can say Mama now too which I love of course.
Natalie "Sleeping Beauty"...
Spencer and I are learning pretty fast now how hectic life is going to be with two girls and a full-time jobs but we wouldn't change it for the world! They are our world now! I am so blessed to be able to say that because this time two years ago, I wasn't sure I ever would! God is GOOD!

Audrey and her beautiful grin :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's Football Time in TN~

"Gorgeous...just like my Aunt!" is what their onsies say (thanks Aunt Jenny!)
We are so excited that football season has started again! It means that the fall season is upon us (even though we don't actually start feeling it until the end of October) and east Saturday is spent in front of the TV cheering (or yelling if it involved the UT game this past weekend). haha. I think the Mountaineers are doing great this year so far, aren't they? GO WVU! The Volunteers are doing ok so far, we are 1-1 so the season could go either way right now. We're praying for a good season this year so Spencer doesn't have a heart attack. He was able to go to the first home game which we won. He had an awesome time! Unfortuntately, the girls were not feeling up to par so we were at home with Mamaw Lee watching the game from the living room. We had a great time visiting with Great-mamaw Lee though and she was a big help.

Let's see...what else has been going on. The girls are continuing to amaze me each day. They are rolling everywhere right now. Can't quite crawl yet, but it won't be long. They love to clap their hands when you sing to them...Audrey will even try to chime in and sing a little too sometimes with us. It is so cute. Their favorite songs to clap to right now are Patty Cake (of course) and Jesus Loves Me. Their favorite part is when it goes "Yes, Jesus loves me...Yes, Jesus loves me...Yes, Jesus loves me...the Bible tells me so". When they hear that first "Yes" come out they really start clapping hard! haha. Audrey is starting to say "hi" and "bye" with her little hands. Natalie is learning too but she likes to throw her arms up and down really fast...so funny! She is my wild child. Audrey is really starting to come out of her little shell though. She is still a little more shy but she is really starting to become little miss jealous. She doesn't like when you leave the room or if you go to Natalie first.
Another big event in the Crane household is that the girls started "school" this past week. Or actually, it was just Audrey last week because Natalie was sick with a virus so she couldn't go. Audrey was such a brave little girl going to "school" all by herself. Today is Natalie's first day with her sister. I know Audrey will be so glad to have her there! They are going to the Gingerbread House Child Care Center in Ringgold, GA. It is such a great place. I think they are going to do so good there! So many little kiddos to play with and learn from.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More pictures...

Audrey wearing Daddy's headband...got to Love that face!
Natalie looking like she's up to something...

Going for a walk in the park...it was so HOT that day!

Natalie LOVES the camera...she smiles when she sees it!

My little cutie-pie Audrey!

Don't have much time to write much these days, but wanted to share a few more photos! More to come...Love!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8 Months Old

Natalie LOVES the camera!

Audrey's favorite thing is her exersaucer!
We love playing on the floor!Prissi the Watch Dog!

Goodness! Only 4 more months until the girls turn 1! We are having so much fun this summer, if only the weather would cool off a little bit so we can get outside more. You know it's bad when everyday you go get in your car after work and the thermometer outside says 100 degrees. I am definitely ready for a break in the HOT weather. Shoot, just give me low 80's at this point and I'll be happy. haha.A fun day out on the North Shore!

The girls have been growing so much lately. They now eat three meals a day of baby food and formula and they are starting to really like those Puffs that they have for kids to start trying to eat solid foods with. It has taken Audrey a little while to get used to them but Natalie, again our natural eater, loves them. Their favorite thing right now is their exersaucer! They could both play for hours in it...Spencer and I are going to go out this weekend and shop for another toy for them to play with. I think they have finally outgrown their swing and bouncy chairs...:( So sad! Natalie has started trying to grab everything now! Audrey isn't quite as bad yet, but she's started it too. Last night we had our first mess where Natalie was sitting in Spencer's lap and she reached over and grabbed his Mtn. Dew can and knocked it on the floor when it was full! It definitely could have been a worse mess, so we are lucky we didn't learn our lesson with something like spaghetti or soup! Audrey is just so sweet right now...she just loves to be loved on and loves and give huge long hugs. Everyday when I wake her up from sleeping or pick her up from daycare she just wraps her arms around my neck and hugs and hugs! I LOVE IT. They are just the sweetest girls ever! We are very blessed.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Fun!

Emma Grace Crane (Audrey and Natalie's cousin) turned 1 on July 9th and her parents threw her a HUGE birthday party on the 11th. It was nice to get to see everyone and hang our for a little bit. Here are a few pictures from the big bash!

The next weekend, I took the twins down to FL to visit their Zachar grandparents, Nana and Pappy. They had such a good time and loved swimming and playing and shopping with the girls. We can't wait to go back. We didn't make it to the beach this time, but hope maybe we can next time we go when Daddy is with us. They loved showing off all of their new skills for all of Mom's friends down there. Natalie thinks it's cool to shake her head "no" sometimes when you ask a question or say something. Audrey likes to show people that she can hold her own bottle by herself...she is becoming our little "Miss Independent". Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!