Nattie giving her sister a kiss!
Goodness...time flies by. I know I say that at least once in every blog entry, but I really mean it! LOL. It is only 2 months until my girls turn ONE! It isn't possible, is it? They are getting settled into daycare now and I think they like it (for the most part). They are both getting to the stage where they are jealous of each other when it comes to Mommy and Daddy's attention. And since I have to pick them up from daycare each day, I have to keep track of who I picked up first the day before so I can pick up the other one first the next day! It gets so confusing, but I don't want either of them to feel like we're playing favorites. Their teachers tell me they are doing great so far, they haven't been real fussy or anything. They do tend to start crying and wanting held around the time the other parents start showing up to get their kids though. They want Mommy there NOW not later! haha. I guess this will be good lessons of patience for them early on...but they are good. We went through a major string (about 4 long weeks) of sicknesses once they started there. We knew this would happen but I wasn't prepared for 4 weeks worth. It was hard and tiring but we made it through. We had several viruses that we kept spreading to each other and also each of the girls had an ear infection at one point. I think we made at least 4 visits to the doctor and went through about 2 bottles of Motrin and 2 bottle of antibiotics. Let's pray we're well for a while now so we can recover! haha.

A few milestons we've reached since the last blog is that both girls are sitting great by themselves now. Yes, I know this is a little late for them to just be doing this, but they are very stubborn and want to do things on their own time...who am I to argue? :) Audrey is very close to crawling and Natalie I think will be the first to walk. Both girls LOVE to say "Da da" and Natalie can even say "Daddy" now. Audrey can say Mama now too which I love of course.
Natalie "Sleeping Beauty"...
Spencer and I are learning pretty fast now how hectic life is going to be with two girls and a full-time jobs but we wouldn't change it for the world! They are our world now! I am so blessed to be able to say that because this time two years ago, I wasn't sure I ever would! God is GOOD!
Audrey and her beautiful grin :)