Goodness do my girls LOVE to talk and sing. In the last 2 weeks or so they have just started babbling non-stop. Especially Audrey! She will actually have a long conversation with you (even though you have no idea what she is saying :). She is doing great at learning her coversation skills...and so is Natalie too. Natalie likes to yell more than talk though, she has a loud voice! haha. I love it though. When she is trying to talk to her dad, I can hear them all the way across the house. Little Audrey has a sweet little voice and her little mouth moves in like she has been talking her whole life and I should know exactly what she is saying (which I act like I do!). I have a feeling once they start talking in real words, they are never going to stop!
Last week the girls went for their 4 month check-up and did a great job! They are getting so big! Audrey weighs about 12 1/2 pounds now and Natalie is at 13 1/2 pounds. I can't believe that just 4 months ago they were at 5 and 6 lbs. My little piggies are growing like weeds! Audrey has her Cardiologist appointment next week just as a follow-up. She has a little hole in her heart which was found by her heart murmur. We are praying that the little hole is closed up and gone! Keep her in your prayers! It is amazing how far we've come from the high-risk doctor's office visit where we were told that Audrey might not live to here at 4 months old and she is 12 lbs and not a thing wrong with her! She is as healthy and smart as she should be! We are so proud of her...our little fighter! Natalie is just awesome! She is our little clown. Just watching her at any given time will put a smile (or laugh) on your face. She has a HUGE personality and loves to be heard and seen!

Well, next time some of you see Spencer, he will probably have braces on...yes, you heard me right. Braces at 30 years old! :) He already has a new nick-name at work...Crane tracks (you know? Like train tracks! :) LOL.